• welcome

    SMC is a platform for churches and organisations committed to human rights and dignity for all. It provides free online courses and resources to SMC members and partner organisations, covering topics such as accountability, financial and project management, development, humanitarian aid, peacebuilding, and advocacy. SMC is part of a global network of faith-based organisations, including around 30 Swedish member organisations and hundreds of partners in over 50 countries. 

    To learn more about SMC and its collaborative work, you can visit the SMC website or explore the "GET TO KNOW SMC" section in just 10 minutes.

    To access these courses, users need to log in to fabo.org, where they can create a free account.


    calender - upcoming events

    Discover learning initiatives offered by SMC. 
    Click on the image to register!

    SMC Inspirational Day   Febr 4, 2025                  SMC Member Day          Febr 6, 2025

    March 25th, 10:00-12:00 am CET

    March 26th, 10:00-12:00 am CET

    March 25th, 14:00-16:00 CET

    April 8th, 09:30-12:30 CET

    FACILITATED COURSE: Introduction to Outcome Mapping and Harvesting April 7th,10th            

    recommended courses


    E-learning course: 

    An Introduction to Outcome Harvesting and Mapping


    This course provides knowledge and opportunities for reflection about the synergies between Christian theology and a human rights perspective on FORB for all.

    Discover how to integrate Outcome Mapping and Outcome Harvesting into your results frameworks with this e-learning resource.

    A complete curriculum for grassroots-level awareness raising & mobilisation. Nine 2-hour face-to-face workshops.

  • This section

    Thematic resources

         Click on the image to navigate to your preferred theme!



    • project management

      It is crucial for SMC to ensure that our member and partner organizations acquire the necessary skills and tools in the intervention cycle of project design, implementation, and monitoring, as well as in program development and core support.

      On this site, you can find resources, courses, and guiding documents on the topics below.  Click on the images and find out more!

      intervention cycle


      Monitoring, Evaluation,  Accountability and Learning 




      Core support




      • Find More Learning Here!


        Access previous webinars in "SLN - AI Online Series" by clicking on the image above!

        Still Searching? 

          Explore other free LEARNING PLATFORMS here!