Before you start with this step, you should already have an empty learning site and editing rights for that site. Ask your Fabo Focal Point to create an empty learning site for you if you don't have one.
In this section you will be introduced to learning design and how to add content and learning activities to your learning site.DESIGNING A LEARNING EXPERIENCE
Before adding content to your learning site, a good starting point is to think about the overall learning experience you want to give your learner.Use our Fabo Learning Experience Guide, to gain insight into learning design fundamentals. The guide takes you through basic learning theory and how to put ideas into practice. For personal support, reach out to us at support@fabo.org.
What is a learning experience design?
Learning experience design (LXD) is a process where you make deliberate choices about content, learning process, assessment, and delivery style.
adding content and interactive activities
You should now have an overall idea of the learning experience you are currently developing, and it is time to think about what learning activities can strengthen your learner's learning journey.But first, let's look at the technical and practical side of things: How to edit your learning site. Below, you will find step-by-step instructions on how to do basic editing on a learning site.
Step 1
Turn editing on.Step 2
Scroll down to the bottom of your page.Step 3
Add sections to your site. Depending on the format, these appear either in the top of your site or on the left of your site.Step 4
Add content (called activities) under each sections. When you click "add activity" you will get to the Activity chooser.Step 5
This icon means you can drag and drop (rearrange sections or move content between sections).
Top 5 Fabo recommended activities
Below, we have chosen five activities on Fabo that provide a good starting point for creating exciting and engaging content to your learning site!
Click on the headings below to learn more!