Can I change the design of my Learning Site?

While it is not possible to change the entire setup of a Learning Site, it is possible to change some of its features, such as format or colours.

It is also possible to hide certain features and create new ones in HTML.


Option 1: You can change the basic format of your Learning Site.

You can make your Site look more like a website by changing its small square logo to a large wide banner.

We have explained how to do it in this guide: Access the guide.

On top of that, you can also change the left “navigation column” into a “navigation bar” just below the banner (or, in Fabo words, change your Site's "Blended Learning" format into "Hub").

We have explained how to do it in this guide: Access the guide.


Option 2: You can change the colours of your Learning Site.

You can change the colours of different elements on your Site to make it look nicer or to follow the design guide of your Organisation.

We have explained how to do it in this guide: Access the guide.

On top of that, you can also change the font colour of text written in Flex Box.

We have explained how to do it in this guide: Access the guide.


Option 3: You can hide the red Activity Bars and replace them with text or image.

You can hide the red bars on your Site and replace them with links to the relevant Activities that look like text or image.

We have explained how to do it in this guide: Access the guide.


Option 4: You can insert your own HTML code into your Learning Site.

You can build basic features in HTML in Flex Box and insert them into your Site.

We have explained how to do it in this guide: Access the guide.

On top of that, you can also build small features in HTML and insert them into the right column on your Site.

We have explained how to do it in this guide: Access the guide.


These are just few examples of how you can change the default design of your Learning Site.

We invite you to explore all options available to Site Editors and come up with your own preferred design for your Learning Sites on Fabo.

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change, changes, design, layout

Last modified: Tuesday, 9 January 2024, 6:54 AM