Where can I assign roles to Fabo users?
There are nine different roles that can be assigned to users on Fabo.
Depending on what the user is expected to do on Fabo, they can be assigned a role that corresponds best to their needs and gives them all the tools necessary to use the platform in the intended way.
If you would like to know more about how they differ from one another, we have explained how to do this in this guide: Access the guide.
Please note that roles can only be assigned by Account Administrators. If you are not an Account Administrator, you will not be able to assign roles to Fabo users.
Step 1: Open the Learning Dashboard by clicking on the profile icon on the top right corner and then select “Learning Dashboard”:
Step 2: Once in the "Learning Dashboard", click on “Organisation” and then on “Assign users to roles and units”:
Here you will see all users in your Organisational Space that can be assigned roles.
Step 3: To start assigning roles to users, choose the new role for the user in the “Role to assign” menu at the top:
Once you have chosen the new role, select the user that you want to assign this role to in the right column called “Potential users”.
Please note that only users who have already been approved to be part of your Organisational Space can be found in “Potential users”. If you can’t find the user you’re looking for, it is worth double-checking if the user has already been approved to your Organisational Space.
Step 4: Once you have found the user who is supposed to have the new role that you have selected, click on their name and then click on the “Add” button:
You will see that the user has been moved to the column on the left called “Users in this unit”.
This means that now they have the role that you have selected for them.
role, roles, editor, editors, creator, creators, participant, participants