What roles can be assigned to Fabo users?

There are nine different roles that can be assigned to Fabo users.

Depending on what the user is expected to do on Fabo, they will be assigned a role that corresponds best to their needs and gives them all the tools necessary to use the platform in the intended way.

Please note that roles can only be assigned by Account Administrators. If you are not an Account Administrator, you will not be able to assign roles on Fabo.


The different roles on Fabo are:



  • Can access basic profile information of all users
  • Can access and edit all Learning Sites
  • Can access all learning data on all Learning Sites




  • Can access profile information of all users in their Organisation
  • Can access and edit all Learning Sites created by users in their Organisation
  • Can access all learning data gathered on their Organisation’s Learning Sites

Account Administrator is a good role for Fabo Focal Points, as it gives them all permissions necessary in their own Organisational Space.



  • Can access learning data about their employees
  • Can assign individual learning plans to their employees

Department Learning Supervisor is a good role for those who have staff referring to them.

Please note that this role is only relevant if the organogram for your organisation is kept up to date.




  • Can create and edit new Learning Sites in their Organisation
  • Can delete the Learning Sites that they have created
  • Can invite existing users on Fabo to co-create Learning Sites with them and access their profile information, as well as all learning data gathered about their activity on that Learning Site




  • Can access and edit a specific Learning Site to co-create it with its owner




  • Can see feedback answers and assignments on a specific Learning Site
  • Can grade participants on that Site
  • Can view the list of Participants on that Site and access their learning data
  • Can send messages to Participants on that Site

Assisting Site Editor is a good role for those who should be able to access information about Participants on a given Learning Site, but shouldn’t be able to edit it or change its content.




  • Can view the content of a specific Learning Site

Participant is the default role for every user who registers for a Learning Site.




  • Can access all Learning Sites that have been shared with their Organisation
  • Can search for and message other users on Fabo

Fabo Member User is the default role for everyone who has created an account on Fabo and has been assigned to one of the Member Organisations.




  • Can access all Learning Sites that are public on Fabo
  • Can search for and message other users on Fabo

External User is the default role for everyone who has created an account on Fabo, but has not yet been assigned to any of the Member Organisations.

If you would like to assign a role to a specific user, simply follow the steps described in this guide: Access the guide.

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role, roles, editors, creators, participants

Last modified: Tuesday, 5 September 2023, 11:38 AM