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The right to Freedom of Thought, Conscience, Religion or Belief, FORB for short, is a fundamental human right that belongs to each human being. At its core it enables us to seek truth and meaning for our own lives. 

However, research shows not only that this right is frequently violated, but also that it's commonly misunderstood. The consequences of neglecting or removing FORB in a society are serious, as FORB is an important component of sustainable peace and development. 

Thus, it is important to understand what FORB is and why it matters, and the social impact it can have to include the aspect of FORB into your work. This non-moderated course on the right to Freedom of Religion or Belief will provide you with the tools to do just that, at your own pace whenever you want. 

If you do not have an account on, you will be asked to create one by registering your email and setting a password before being sent on to the course page. 

If you have feedback, questions or encounter any problems, please reach out to 

Enjoy the course!

- The FORB Learning Platform team

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