How to delete a Learning Site?

If you want to delete a Learning Site, simply follow the steps described in this guide.

Please note that only Site Editors, Site Creators and Account Administrators can delete Learning Sites.


Step 1: Go to your Dashboard: Access the Dashboard.

Step 2: Click on your name that appears in the top right corner and then click on “Learning Dashboard”:


Step 3: Once in the “Learning Dashboard”, click on “Learning sites” and then on “Editor sites”:


Step 4: Here you can have an overview of all Learning Sites that you can edit and delete. To delete a Site, click on the rubbish bin icon at the end of the line:

Step 5: When asked to confirm your choice, simply click on the “Delete” button:


Your Learning Site will then be deleted.


Please note that Learning Sites that have been deleted cannot be restored.

If you do not want other Learners to see your Site anymore, you can change its access options to “Invitation only”. This way, only Learners that have received an invitation from you will be able to visit your Site.

We have explained how to do this in this guide: Access the guide.

Click here to go back to the front page

delete, deletion, cancel, hide

Last modified: Tuesday, 9 January 2024, 6:55 AM