Where can I specify which parts of my Learning Site are mandatory to complete it?

You can easily specify the conditions required to complete your Learning Site.

It is a useful thing to do if you want to track progress of your Learners and generate reports showing the completion of different tasks across your Site.

It is also a mandatory step if you want to add a certificate to your Site.


Step 1: Click on the red “Turn editing on” button on your Learning Site:

Step 2: In the menu that appeared on the left, click on “Learning site completion”:

Here you can specify the different conditions to be met to complete your Learning Site.


Step 3: You can decide on the general requirements:


Learning Site is complete when ALL conditions are met”: If you choose this option, all conditions that you will specify afterwards will have to be met in order to complete your Learning Site. If the Learner misses one the conditions, they will not complete your Site. Choose this option when you don’t want your Learners to miss any of the important parts of your Site, ie. in trainings or exams.

Learning Site is complete when ANY of the conditions are met”: If you choose this option, any of the conditions that you will specify afterwards can be met in order to complete your Learning Site. If the Learner does at least one of the things that you have specified, they will complete your Site. Choose this option when the completion of your Site does not affect the overall performance of your Learners, i.e. in additional resources or presentations, but when you still want to track whether your Learners have actually done the thing that you asked them to.


Step 4: Now you can specify all the different conditions required to complete your Learning Site:

Please note that you do not have to use all these options at the same time.


For trainings and exams, the most important option is “Condition: Activity completion”:

Here you can specify which Activities on your Learning Site are mandatory to complete it.

Simply select the Activities from your Site that you would like to be mandatory to complete it. In the example above, it could be one or all three exercises.


There are also other conditions that you can specify. For instance, you can require that the user stays registered for your Site for a certain period of time to complete it, or that their overall score must be equal or higher than the one that you have specified. Choose the options that suit your needs best and that provide you with the best overview of your Learners’ progress.


Step 5: Once you have specified all the conditions to complete your Learning Site, simply click on “Save changes”:

You will then be taken back to your Site and all the changes will be saved.

Click here to go back to the front page

required, must, obligatory, overview

Last modified: Thursday, 15 February 2024, 3:02 PM