Where can I see who can access my Learning Site?

If you would like to see who can currently access your Learning Site, simply follow the steps described in this guide.


Step 1: Click on the "Turn editing on" button on your Site:

Step 2: In the menu that appeared on the left side, click on "Access options":

A new page will open with different sections available.

You can see who can access your Site in the “Sharing” section at the top:

Learners belonging to the chosen category are the ones who can currently access your Site. In the example above, it is the Learners belonging to your own Organisation.


Step 3: If you would like to change that, you can choose one of the other options available:

Invitation only: Choose this option if you want your Site to be accessible only to those who have received an invitation from you. Your Site will be inaccessible to those who did not receive the invitation, even if they belong to your Organisation or network.

Only own organisation: Choose this option if you want your Site to be accessible to everyone within your own Organisation. Your Site will be inaccessible to those who do not belong to your Organisation, even if they belong to your network. You can always share your Site with Learners who do not belong to your organisation by sending them an invitation.

Network: Choose this option if you want your Site to be accessible to everyone within your own network. Your Site will be inaccessible to those who do not belong to your network. You can always share your Site with Learners who do not belong to your network by sending them an invitation.

All users on fabo.org: Choose this option if you want your Site to be accessible to all Learners who are logged in on fabo.org. Your Site will be inaccessible to everyone who visits fabo.org without being logged in.

Open (no login required): Choose this option if you want your Site to be accessible to everyone who visits fabo.org, whether they are logged in or not.


Step 4: Once you have chosen your preferred option, simply click on "Save":

You can change who can access your Learning Site at any time. Simply come back to “Access Options”, choose a different option in “Sharing” and save your changes. The changes that you make will take immediate effect for all your Learners.

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register, subscribe, registration, subscription, visible, accessible

Last modified: Thursday, 15 February 2024, 3:00 PM