Where can I change the colours of my Learning Site?

By default, all Learning Sites created on Fabo are displayed in “Fabo” colours, i.e. green and red.

If you would like to change that, simply follow the steps described in this guide.


Step 1: Click on the “Turn editing on” button on your Site:

Step 2: In the menu that appeared on the left, click on “General settings” and then on “Appearance”:

In “Learning site colour scheme”, you can choose between three options: Fabo, Greyscale and Custom:

If you choose “Fabo”, your Site will keep its current green and red colours:

If you choose “Grayscale”, the red colour will be replaced with grey for a more neutral look:

If you choose “Organisation colours”, your Site will get the colours of your organisation, if those have been set by the Account Administrator (see how to set the colours of the organisation here). 

When the Account Administrator changes the organisation's colours, the colours of your site will automatically change. 

If you choose “Custom”, you will be able to pick your own colours:

By choosing “Custom”, you can change the colours of almost all parts of your Learning Site:

Learning Site title and navigation bar title:

Buttons and footer:

Headings and breadcrumb bar:


Background of the Learning Site:

Navigation highlight:

Navigation bar in a Hub:

Text in Navigation bar in a Hub:

Customising the colours of your Learning Site is a great way to make your Site appear more in line with your organisation’s visual identity. If you are unsure what your Site’s colours should look like, we recommend that you consult your organisation’s design manual or simply leave the Fabo colours on, as most of Learning Sites on Fabo have these colours set.


Step 3: Once you have chosen your preferred colours, simply click on “ Save and display” to see how your Learning Site looks like now:

You can change the colours of your Learning Site at any time. The changes that you make will take immediate effect for all your Learners.

Click here to go back to the front page

color, colors, colour, colours

Last modified: Tuesday, 9 January 2024, 6:41 AM