Where can I change the logo of my Learning Site?

When you create a Learning Site on Fabo, its logo is set to the default picture with two puzzle pieces:

If you would like to upload your own logo, simply follow the steps described in this guide.

Step 1: Click on the “Turn editing on” button on your Site:

Step 2: In the menu that appeared on the left, click on “General settings” and then on “Description”:

Step 3: Here you can upload a new logo to your Learning Site.

The default picture with two puzzle pieces can be replaced by any picture saved as .gif, .jpg or .png.

To look good, it should be 230px wide and 200px high.

Once you have your picture ready on your device, upload it to your Learning Site by clicking on the “Add…” button and then on “Choose File”:

You can also upload your picture from other sources, as seen in the menu on the left side:

Once you have selected your picture, click on “Upload this file”:

Step 4: Then scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Save and display”:

You will then be taken back to your Learning Site and will see that its logo has changed:

You can change the logo of your Learning Site at any time. The changes that you make will take immediate effect for all your Learners.

It is also possible to change the small square logo into a wide banner on top of the Learning Site.

If you would like to do that, simply follow the steps described in this guide: Access the guide.

Click here to go back to the front page

picture, pictures, photo, photos, image, images

Last modified: Tuesday, 9 January 2024, 6:33 AM