How do I add a forum to my Learning Site?

To add a forum to your Learning Site, you need the Activity called “Forum”.


Step 1: Click on the “Turn editing on” button on your Site:

Step 2: In the section where you want your forum to be, click on “Add an activity” and then on “Forum”:

Step 3: Here you can add a forum to your Learning Site by filling out the empty fields that pop up. 

First, you need to give your forum a name. Once you have chosen a name, write it in the “Forum name” field:

Then, in “Forum type”, you can choose what type of forum you would like to add to your Site:

Choose ”A single simple discussion” if you want your Learners to discuss one subject in particular.

Choose ”Each person posts one discussion” if you want each of your Learners to create one post about a specific subject.

Choose “Q and A forum” if you want to create a simple space where you and your Learners can answer each other’s questions.

Choose “Standard forum displayed in blog-like format” if you want your Learners to have a space where they can write long posts about different subjects.

Choose “Standard forum for general use” if you want your Learners to have a space where they can discuss different subjects.

Step 4: Once you have chosen the type of forum that suits your needs best, simply scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Save and return to learning site”:

You will then be taken back to your Learning Site and will see what your forum looks like now that you have added it:

Remember that you can add multiple forums of different type to your Learning Site.

Click here to go back to the front page

community, discussion, discussions

Last modified: Tuesday, 9 January 2024, 6:16 AM