My training is frozen. What should I do?

It may happen sometimes that your training gets “frozen”. By this we mean a situation when you click on “Resume” in a training, but nothing happens:

If you do not want to restart the training, please follow the steps described below to fix this issue.


Step 1: Check your internet connection

The issue might be simply due to a slow internet connection and the site not being able to reload properly. Try to troubleshoot the internet connection on your device and if this does not solve the issue, please try to access the training through a better internet connection.


Step 2: Clear cache & cookies in your browser

Sometimes the issue might be due to the browser being “full”. To make it work in the most efficient way, remember to clear its cache & cookies on a regular basis.

To do that, follow the instructions provided in the links below:

Clearing cache & cookies usually fixes this issue.


Step 3: Use a different internet browser

Sometimes the issue might be due to the browser that you access the training from. Please make sure that your browser is up to date and try to switch between different browsers to see which one responds better to the training.

If, however, none of the steps above has helped, please send us an email to

Remember to include:

  • A link to the training
  • A screenshot of the frozen page
  • A short explanation of how it happened

Our Support Team will come back to you as soon as possible.

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problem, bug, help

Last modified: Tuesday, 5 September 2023, 11:52 AM