How do I add content to my Learning Site?

If you would like to start adding content to your Learning Site, simply follow the steps described in this guide.


Step 1: To start, click on the “Turn editing on” button on your Site:

Step 2:  in the section where you want your content to be, click on “Add an activity”:

A menu will pop up with different options to choose from. This menu is what we call the “Activity chooser”:

Here you can add content to your Learning Site.

There are many different Activities to choose from in the “Activity chooser”.

Depending on the type of content that you would like to add to your Site, you can choose the Activity that meets your needs best.

In “Recommended”, you can see the Activities that are most used on Fabo:

These Activities are:

  • File: Allows you to attach a downloadable file
  • Flex box: Allows you to insert text and multimedia
  • Forum: Allows you to create a shared space with other Learners where you can have discussions
  • Interactive Content: Allows you to insert H5P content
  • Learning Site: Allows you to create a link to another Learning Site
  • Page: Allows you to create a simple web page using a text editor
  • Quiz: Allows you to create a quiz containing questions of various types
  • Survey: Allows you to create a custom survey to collect feedback from your Learners
  • Wiki: Allows you to create a glossary


If you would like to know more about a given Activity, simply click on the round “i” button:

A small window will appear explaining what the Activity can do.


To add an Activity to your Learning Site, simply click on the logo of the Activity of your choice:

Step 3: A new page will open allowing you to edit the Activity and fill it with your content.


Once you are ready, simply scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on “Save and return to learning site”:

You will then be taken back to your Learning Site and will see how the Activity looks like now that you have edited it.

Remember that you can add multiple Activities to one section of your Learning Site, and that you can add the same Activity multiple times.

Click on this image to back to the front page

picture, pictures, video, videos, image, images, file, files, text, paragraph, create, fill

Last modified: Tuesday, 9 January 2024, 5:44 AM