Where can I approve users to my Organisational Space?

If you would like to approve users to your Organisational Space, simply follow the steps described in this guide.

Please note that only Account Administrators can approve users.


Step 1: Open your Learning Dashboard by clicking on the profile icon on the top right corner and then select Learning Dashboard”:

Step 2: Once in the "Learning Dashboard", click on “Users” and then on “Approve new users”:

Here you will see a list of users that you can approve to your Organisational Space:

Step 3: To approve users to your Organisational Space, start by checking the boxes next to their names:

Step 4: Once you have selected all users that you would like to approve, click on “Approve selected” at the bottom of the page:

Now these users are part of your Organisational Space and can visit your Learning Sites.

Click here to go back to the front page


Last modified: Thursday, 15 February 2024, 3:22 PM