How do I invite people that do not have an account on Fabo to my Learning Site?

If you would like to learn how to invite new Fabo users to visit your Learning Site, simply follow the steps described in this guide.


Step 1: Click on the “Turn editing on” button on your Site:

Step 2: In the menu that appeared on the left, click on “Participants”:

Here you can see who can currently access your Learning Site and their role.


Step 3: To invite new Fabo users to visit your Learning Site, click on the green “Invite new Fabo user” button at the top of the page:

Step 4: Upload a CSV file with the list of users you wish to invite.

Step 5: Once the user has been selected and the “Participant” option has been chosen, click on the “Send invitation” button:

The user will receive your invitation by email and will also get a pop-up window with the invitation next time they log in to Fabo.

TIPS on how to be successful in uploading a CSV
  1. The file should only contain 2 columns: the first one with the user’s name and the second one with the email address.
  2. The file should not contain column titles (such as Name or Email). The first row of the file should contain the information of the first new user.

  3. The file should be saved as a CSV.

    Depending on which software, this may vary. Here is how saving the file as a CSV looks like on Excel:

    When using Excel, you may have to take the additional steps below to ensure that the formatting has not been altered. However, if you are using Google Sheets, you can simply proceed to step 4 after downloading the file in CSV format.

                     o   After saving the file as a CSV, close Excel.

                     o   Go to the folder where the file is saved and open it with the Notepad application:


                     o   Replace semicolons (;) with commas (,), if any:


                     o   Remove any additional empty rows:


                     o   Save the file.   

  4. Upload the file on

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invitation, community, visitor, visitors

Last modified: Friday, 12 April 2024, 9:38 AM