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M3 of the course on Violence against Women developed by CKU and Danner. This module focuses on the role of religion in VAW. 

The module has 3 sections:

  • The role of religion in preventing violence against women.
  • Why should you work with religious actors?
  • How to work with religious actors?

We estimate that the module takes around 1 hour. If you explore the resources and engage in an analysis of your own context, you must expect to use more time on the course. You can also download the pdf and make the analysis of your context at a later point.

After this module, you will understand:

  • The role of religion in development and VaW.
  • How religious actors can be important key persons when addressing VaW.
  • How you can work with religious actors as change agent.
  • Principles and guidelines for engaging with religious actors.

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