- General
- Welcome
Welcome to the CKU Learning Hub!
Here you can find all of CKU's online trainings and learning resources. You will also find links to other Fabo trainings that are relevant for our staff, project partners and member organisations. We hope you will enjoy this site and have fun while learning.
Please note that most courses require login. Creating a fabo user profile is free for everyone and will allow you to keep track of your activity and receive certificates for your learning. If you experience any issues creating a profile or accessing a course, please write to us at cku@cku.dk.
- Violence Against Women and the Role of Religion
Violence Against Women and the Role of Religion
Violence against women continues to be one of the most prevalent human right violations in the world and during the COVID-19 pandemic, the problem only escalated. Violence against women has severe negative implications for women’s development and possibilities, and it is one of the key drivers to hold women in poverty.
CKU has in cooperation with a Danish organization called Danner, which is a specialized national and international organization in the field of violence against women and Stellensbosch University’s unit for Religion and Development research developed an online free course on” Religion and Violence against women”.
The course consists of 3 modules:” Understanding Violence”,” Working with violence” and “The role of religion in violence against women”. The course is targeted practitioners in the global south that work with VaW. The course provides knowledge and concrete tools in the work with VaW. The course is free and accessible for all who register at FABO.
- Child Safeguarding and Protection Policy
- CKU Learning
CKU Learning
- CKU has been involved in the development of various online courses and training resources. Click on the images below to get to the PSHEA training, the CKU Anti-Fraud and Anti-Corruption Training, the SDG training (in Danish) and training on FORB and gender.
- Preventing Sexual Misconduct: Learn about sexual harassment, exploitation, and abuse and how to prevent it.
The awareness and debate on sexual misconduct has accelerated in the last few years. Sexual misconduct is happening – and sadly also within development and humanitarian work. This learning site will provide you with the tools and resources needed to identify sexual misconduct and prevent it. Visiting and using this site will help you facilitate conversations in project partnerships about harassment, exploitation and abuse and show you how to handle such behavior (PSHEA stands for Preventing Sexual Harassment, Exploitation, and Abuse). The site can be used by all members in a project collaboration: management, staff, and volunteers.
Anti-Fraud and Anti-Corruption Training: Learn how to identify and avoid fraud and corruption.
By taking this course you will learn how to identify and avoid fraud and corruption, and what you should do if you suspect or experience fraud or corruption in projects. The course takes you through different practical cases of fraud and corruption. Fraud and corruption come in many different forms and can arise unexpectedly in our daily work lives. The cases will take you through common situations that many of us face in our work. These cases will give you a chance to reflect on your own experiences and identify situations that may occur in your work life. Each case will conclude with some practical guidelines and tools for you to use.
Discover more about our policies and positions here.
Verdensmålene: Fra ord til handling (in Danish) - SDGs in action
How do we go from talking about the sustainable development goals to actually acting on them? This learning site is about exactly that. The material can be used by anyone who wants to make a difference and help make the world a better place through joint action – whether it is you as an individual or if you are a group or a volunteering community.
You can take this material as a starting point, or you can start with the book “Verdensmålsbogen” which connects the UN sustainable development goals with the Christian faith. The material gives you the opportunity to take your knowledge of the goals to the next level; action!
This learning site is developed in collaboration with ADRA Denmark and DanChurchAid.FORB and gender equality: Conflicting rights or common cause?
Are freedom of religion or belief and gender equality conflicting rights, as some people claim, or could the two rights actually be striving for a common cause?
This course aims at explaining how freedom of religion or belief (FORB) and gender equality, with a particular focus on women’s rights, intersect and relate in different ways. We hope that common misunderstandings can be clarified, synergies highlighted and ways of taking this forward explored.
This learning site is part of NORFORB’s virtual and blended learning materials. Find more courses here.
- Learn more about FORB
Learn more about FORB
CKU is actively engaged in the development of resources and training to promote the freedom of religion or belief via the network NORFORB. Visit The Freedom of Religion or Belief Learning Platform to browse through the material available or start by watching the movies below. The three videos are a part of the introductory learning package. This series of films have been translated into a variety of languages including Uyghur, Bangla and Burmese to name a few. Feel free to share them with your network.
- Other resources
Other resources
In this section, you will find resources, trainings and courses that you may find useful. CKU is part of the Fabo Learning Community, a learning community for NGOs and CSOs from around the world. The resources and trainings shown here were developed by other members of the learning community.
Click here to access the learning catalogue to explore what else is available. Examples include Child Safeguarding, Security introduction and GBV in Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA).
- About CKU
About CKU
Center for Church-based Development (CKU) is an umbrella organisation for Danish churches and church based organisations partnering with other churches and NGO’s in developing countries. CKU offers advisory, consultative, counselling and administrative services to their members and partners.