• Intro


    På denne side har vi samlet de læringssites der kan være nyttige hvis man er i gang med at planlægge, implementere eller evaluere et konkret projekt eller program. 

    Vi linker både til sites udviklet af CISU og til sites som er udviklet af andre af FABOs medlemsorganisationer. Vi forsøger at udvælge de ikke-CISU udviklede kurser, således at de er tilpasset CISUs medlemmer behov og erfaringer. 


    On this page, we have gathered the learning sites that can be useful if you are in the process of planning, implementing or evaluating a specific project or program.

    We link both to sites developed by CISU and to sites which have been developed by other FABO members. We try to select the all sites so that they are adapted to CISU members needs and experiences.

  • 1. Project analysis & design


    In this sections you can find two types of Learning sites:  

    CISU developed learningssites. This can either be a learning site developed specifically for this topic, ofr it can a be a learning-site developed for a course or event on that topic. 

    FABO-member sites: Learnings sites developed by other CSOs and made available in FABO. Sites are selected and recommend by CISU. 

  • 2. Implementation / M&E

  • 3. Learning & Evaluation

  • 4. Topical issues


    In this sections you can find two types of Learning sites:  

    CISU developed learningssites. This can either be a learning site developed specifically for this topic, ofr it can a be a learning-site developed for a course or event on that topic. 

    FABO-member sites: Learnings sites developed by other CSOs and made available in FABO. Sites are selected and recommend by CISU.