to the learning site for the Introduction to Conflict Sensitivity Workshop which took place in Juba on 4 - 6 September, 2019.
This course was specifically designed for staff and partners working on DCA projects in South Sudan. Content
incorporated blended learning, task-based learning, Participatory Learning and
Action (PLA), and Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) approaches. Conflict
sensitivity affects all areas of programming and therefore the training had
been designed to appeal to a wide range of learner types, to be inclusive of
all staff and partners regardless of educational background. 22 people attended the course over 3 days.
On Day 1 participants were introduced to an unfamiliar conflict using an interactive roleplay scenario. In the second half of the day there was a presentation and discussion on Conflict Sensitivity and why we need it.
Day 2 sought to put theory into practice, applying analytical tools to a fictitious case.
Day 3, participants applied analytical tools to actual field locations and compiled a Conflict Sensitivity Rapid Analysis Report based on project areas.