Facilitators' Guide - Critical Reflection Workshop
What is a Critical Reflection Workshop?
Critical reflection workshops offer space for DCA staff and partners to reflect together once a year on how effectively country programme activities are leading to the desired changes described in the country 's Theory of Change (TOC) documents.
By assessing context changes, our successes and challenges and reviewing our assumptions on how change happens, these workshops allow us to learn together and to flexibly and rapidly adapt.
This site contains information and documents that will help facilitators of Theory of Change (ToC) Critical Reflection (CR) prepare a workshop. This site is not for participants.
You are free to adjust the materials to your own context and facilitation.
If you need more information, have comments or suggestions, please contact Mette Lund Sørensen in PAL mls@dca.dk
Please feel free to give us feedback on the guide and materials so we can improve them for future workshops - thanks in advance.