• Introduction


    Velkommen til CISU Projektguide. 

    Guiden er lavet i samarbejde med Dorthe Skovgaard (konsulent) og Dreamtown (CISU medlems-organiastion). 

    Den er nu tilgængelig her på side - og man er derfor meget velkommen til at bringe den i anvendelse i sin organsation og i samarbejdet med partnere. 

    Guiden er på engelsk så den lettere kan deles med samarbejdspartnere. 

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    Welcome to CISU's Project guide.

    The guide is made by CISU in collaboration with Dorthe Skovgaard (consultant) and Dreamtown (Civil Society Organisation).

    It is now available here on this learningsite - and you are therefore very welcome to use it in your organisation.

    The guide is in English so it can be shared more easily with partners.



    OBS: 2. Edition 2024

    (Replaces 1. Edition 2022)

    • Get tools & inspiration

      In the guide we use a number of templates and methods. Below you can access/download relevant templates and learn more of  some of the methods mentioned and or supplementary methods.  

      The Project Guide recommends a project to be prepared and implemented in five phases. 

      However, the guide only covers the preparatory phases (1. Analysis, 2. Design & 3. Inception) - leaving out 4. implementation and 5. Evaluation.
      But do not worry.... We will develop this learning site so that you will be able to both get an overview of relevant tools and methods  for each of these phases - also phase 4. & 5. 

      Get relevant downloads and extra inspiration: 

      Below you can chose the phase your are currently working on and find simple templates to support various processes (e.g. Stakeholder analysis, Result framework) or inspirational learningssites for supplementary methods/approaches. 

    • Download case



      You will  throughout the guide be able to follow Dreamtown and YDC-SL’s journey from their initial ideas to the inception of a project in Bonga Town in Sierra Leone focusing on empowering youth and duty bearers to develop a safe and prosperous environment in Sierra Leone’s slums and informal settlements. 

      Sierra Leone has a young and growing population, and, like most developing countries, it is experiencing rapid urbanisation which is putting enormous pressure on cities to accommodate an increasing number of young residents. Thus, many of Sierra Leone’s young city dwellers grow up or settle in slums and informal settlements where life is challenged by limited access to basic infrastructure, health and safety, education, livelihoods and employment, public spaces, and general spaces for youth to convene and exercise active citizenship.

      Download the Case here... (OBS: Updated version jan. 2024)